Benefits of Hedging

Benefits of Hedging

The set includes: the full unrestricted, ad-free video access, all related spreadsheets, the course printout, the course outline, the course summary. USD 99.00 / year


Benefits of Hedging – All chapters

This 2-part module examines the arguments in favor of and against the hedging of financial risks and the attempts to quantify the benefits of hedging. The module summarizes the skeptics’ arguments against the use of hedging instruments and examines the evidence in their favor, including the viewpoint of credit rating agencies, stock market research analysts, and academics, especially when those benefits can be measured from a valuation, credit rating or similar perspective.

Target audience: Corporate bankers, relationship managers, research analysts, sales staff, risk managers, traders

Prerequisite required:
– FX options

Prerequisite recommended:
– Commodities
– Interest Rates Forwards & Swaps